Something’s Wrong and I Can Feel It

Dňa 4. 9. 2024 sa žiaci tried 3. BP, 4. BP, 4. AP a 3. AM zúčastnili výstavy Luboša Kotlára v Novej synagóge. Výstavy sa zúčastnili spolu s pedagogickým dozorom, Mgr. M. Sikorovou, Mgr. J. Dutkovou a Mgr. I. Palúchom.

Autor využíva vopred dané architektonické prvky priestoru, ktorých zviditeľnením/transformáciou tento priestor rekontextualizuje na optické zariadenie, ktoré zachytáva a projektuje atmosférické zmeny na oblohe nad budovou Novej synagógy. 

The exhibition „Something’s Wrong and I Can Feel It“ uses the given architectural elements of the New Synagogue space. By uncovering the opening that is present in its dome, if the space is sufficiently darkened, the image is projected onto the floor directly beneath the dome, recontextualizing the building as a „camera obscura,“ a simple optical device that predates the invention of the photographic apparatus. The projected image depicts atmospheric changes in the sky above the New Synagogue building, with the resulting image being dynamic and transforming over time beyond the artist’s control. The perception of a given image requires a certain degree of concentration on the part of the viewer and a physical adaptation to the new conditions.

The installation „Something’s Wrong and I Can Feel It“ is intended to provide the audience with a space for slowing down and introspection, a safe space for awareness of physical experience and perception of the present moment, impermanence and ephemerality. Feel free to throw a few pennies at the fountain and read some of the motivational thoughts. Everything will be all right.

Lucia Petreková, Lucia Vojčiniaková (4. BP)

Mgr. Mária Sikorová